Search results for: "Renata Scotto" : 9 items found

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[Met Tour] CID : 276850

Tosca (677)

State Theatre; Cleveland; Ohio; Sat, June 16, 1984
[Met Tour] CID : 276780

Tosca (676)

O'Keefe Center for the Performing Arts; Toronto; Ontario; Sat, June 9, 1984
[Met Tour] CID : 276710

Tosca (675)

Masonic Temple; Detroit; Michigan; Sat, June 2, 1984
[Met Tour] CID : 276640

Tosca (674)

Cyrus Northrop Memorial Auditorium; Minneapolis; Minnesota; Sat, May 26, 1984
[Met Tour] CID : 276580

Tosca (673)

State Fair Music Hall; Dallas; Texas; Sat, May 19, 1984
[Met Tour] CID : 276490

Tosca (671)

Atlanta Civic Center; Atlanta; Georgia; Sat, May 12, 1984
[Met Tour] CID : 276430

Tosca (670)

Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts; Washington; D.C.; Sat, May 5, 1984
[Met Tour] CID : 276350

Tosca (669)

Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts; Washington; D.C.; Sat, April 28, 1984
[Met Parks Performance] CID : 264870

Tosca (656)

Central Park; Tue, June 16, 1981