Search results for: "Melanija Mihalic" : 13 items found

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[Met Performance] CID : 201910

Ballet Evening

Metropolitan Opera House; Sun, April 11, 1965
[Met Tour] CID : 202680

Ballet Evening

Brookville; Fri, July 30, 1965
[Met Tour] CID : 202700

Ballet Evening

Brookville; Sat, July 31, 1965
[Met Tour] CID : 202670

Ballet Evening

Lewisohn Stadium; Wed, July 28, 1965
[Met Performance] CID : 196970

Die Fledermaus (103)

Metropolitan Opera House; Mon, January 20, 1964
[Met Tour] CID : 197690

Metropolitan Opera Ballet

Fashion Institute of Technology; Thu, March 26, 1964
[Met Tour] CID : 197660

Metropolitan Opera Ballet

Fashion Institute of Technology; Wed, March 25, 1964
[Met Performance] CID : 200310
New Production
Les Sylphides (13)
Don Pasquale (59)

Metropolitan Opera House; Fri, November 13, 1964
[Met Performance] CID : 200400

Les Sylphides (14)
Don Pasquale (60)

Metropolitan Opera House; Sat, November 21, 1964
[Met Performance] CID : 200430

Les Sylphides (15)
Don Pasquale (61)

Metropolitan Opera House; Wed, November 25, 1964
[Met Performance] CID : 200490

Les Sylphides (16)
Don Pasquale (62)

Metropolitan Opera House; Mon, November 30, 1964
[Met Performance] CID : 200890

Les Sylphides (17)
Don Pasquale (63)

Metropolitan Opera House; Sat, January 9, 1965
[Met Performance] CID : 200940

Les Sylphides (18)
Don Pasquale (64)

Metropolitan Opera House; Thu, January 14, 1965