Search results for: "Juan Lloveras" : 11 items found

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[Met Tour] CID : 268300

Il Trovatore (468)

Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts; Washington; D.C.; Wed, April 21, 1982
[Met Tour] CID : 268360

Il Trovatore (469)

Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts; Washington; D.C.; Tue, April 27, 1982
[Met Tour] CID : 268440

Il Trovatore (470)

Atlanta Civic Center; Atlanta; Georgia; Wed, May 5, 1982
[Met Tour] CID : 268500

Il Trovatore (471)

Dixon-Myers Hall; Memphis; Tennessee; Tue, May 11, 1982
[Met Tour] CID : 268580

Il Trovatore (472)

Cyrus Northrop Memorial Auditorium; Minneapolis; Minnesota; Wed, May 19, 1982
[Met Tour] CID : 268670

Il Trovatore (473)

Masonic Auditorium; Detroit; Michigan; Wed, May 26, 1982
[Met Tour] CID : 268740

Il Trovatore (474)

Cleveland Public Auditorium; Cleveland; Ohio; Wed, June 2, 1982
[Met Parks Performance] CID : 268860

Il Trovatore (476)

Central Park; Tue, June 15, 1982
[Met Tour] CID : 268810

Il Trovatore (475)

Metropolitan Center; Boston; Massachusetts; Wed, June 9, 1982
[Met Tour Performance] CID : 268930

Il Trovatore (479)

East Meadow; New York; Eisenhower Park; Sat, June 26, 1982
[Met Parks Performance] CID : 268880

Il Trovatore (477)

Marine Park; Fri, June 18, 1982