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Met Opera Website
Search results for: "Gilda Cruz-Romo" : 13 items found |
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[Met Tour] CID : 261270
Otello (248)
Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts; Washington; D.C.; Tue, April 22, 1980
Otello (248)
Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts; Washington; D.C.; Tue, April 22, 1980
[Met Performance] CID : 259000
Opening Night {95},General Manager (Executive Director): Anthony A. Bliss
Otello (240)
Metropolitan Opera House; Mon, September 24, 1979
Opening Night {95},General Manager (Executive Director): Anthony A. Bliss
Otello (240)
Metropolitan Opera House; Mon, September 24, 1979
Debuts: Giuliano Ciannella, John Darrenkamp

[Met Tour] CID : 257670
Otello (238)
Robin Hood Dell West; Philadelphia; Pennsylvania; Sat, June 2, 1979
Otello (238)
Robin Hood Dell West; Philadelphia; Pennsylvania; Sat, June 2, 1979
[Met Tour] CID : 257510
Otello (236)
Cyrus Northrop Memorial Auditorium; Minneapolis; Minnesota; Tue, May 15, 1979
Otello (236)
Cyrus Northrop Memorial Auditorium; Minneapolis; Minnesota; Tue, May 15, 1979
[Met Tour] CID : 257260
Otello (234)
Hynes Civic Auditorium; Boston; Massachusetts; Tue, April 24, 1979
Otello (234)
Hynes Civic Auditorium; Boston; Massachusetts; Tue, April 24, 1979
[Met Tour] CID : 257190
Otello (233)
Cleveland Public Auditorium; Cleveland; Ohio; Tue, April 17, 1979
Otello (233)
Cleveland Public Auditorium; Cleveland; Ohio; Tue, April 17, 1979