Search results for: "Benita Valente" : 5 items found

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[Met Tour] CID : 268710

Rigoletto (603)

Masonic Auditorium; Detroit; Michigan; Sat, May 29, 1982
[Met Tour] CID : 268530

Rigoletto (601)

Fair Park Music Hall; Dallas; Texas; Fri, May 14, 1982
[Met Tour] CID : 268480

Rigoletto (600)

Atlanta Civic Center; Atlanta; Georgia; Sat, May 8, 1982
[Met Tour] CID : 268390

Rigoletto (599)

Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts; Washington; D.C.; Fri, April 30, 1982
[Met Tour] CID : 268340

Rigoletto (598)

Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts; Washington; D.C.; Sat, April 24, 1982