Search results for: "Anthony Laciura" : 13 items found

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[Met Performance] CID : 333663

The Makropulos Case (13)

Metropolitan Opera House; Sat, April 28, 2001
[Met Performance] CID : 333654

The Makropulos Case (12)

Metropolitan Opera House; Thu, April 26, 2001
[Met Performance] CID : 333645

The Makropulos Case (11)

Metropolitan Opera House; Mon, April 23, 2001
[Met Performance] CID : 330627

The Makropulos Case (10)

Metropolitan Opera House; Sat, April 18, 1998
[Met Performance] CID : 330621

The Makropulos Case (9)

Metropolitan Opera House; Thu, April 16, 1998
[Met Performance] CID : 330612

The Makropulos Case (8)

Metropolitan Opera House; Mon, April 13, 1998
[Met Performance] CID : 330609

The Makropulos Case (7)

Metropolitan Opera House; Sat, April 11, 1998
[Met Performance] CID : 323190

The Makropulos Case (6)

Metropolitan Opera House; Thu, February 1, 1996
[Met Performance] CID : 323150

The Makropulos Case (5)

Metropolitan Opera House; Sat, January 27, 1996
[Met Performance] CID : 323110

The Makropulos Case (4)

Metropolitan Opera House; Wed, January 24, 1996
[Met Performance] CID : 323070

The Makropulos Case (3)

Metropolitan Opera House; Sat, January 20, 1996
[Met Performance] CID : 323030

The Makropulos Case (2)

Metropolitan Opera House; Tue, January 16, 1996
[Met Performance] CID : 322990
Metropolitan Opera Premiere,New Production
The Makropulos Case (1)

Metropolitan Opera House; Thu, January 11, 1996