Search results for: "Anna Fitziu" : 8 items found

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[Met Performance] CID : 351235

All Star Musical and Novelty Benefit

Metropolitan Opera House; Tue, May 16, 1916
[Met Concert or Gala] CID : 62620

Nineteenth and Last Sunday Concert

Metropolitan Opera House; Sun, March 26, 1916
[Met Performance] CID : 62370

Cavalleria Rusticana (167)
Goyescas (5)

Metropolitan Opera House; Mon, March 6, 1916
[Met Performance] CID : 62260

Cavalleria Rusticana (166)
Goyescas (4)

Metropolitan Opera House; Sat, February 26, 1916
[Met Concert or Gala] CID : 62170

Fourteenth Sunday Concert

Metropolitan Opera House; Sun, February 20, 1916
[Met Performance] CID : 62040

Hänsel und Gretel (88)
Goyescas (3)

Metropolitan Opera House; Thu, February 10, 1916
[Met Performance] CID : 61930

Cavalleria Rusticana (165)
Goyescas (2)

Metropolitan Opera House; Wed, February 2, 1916
[Met Performance] CID : 61870
World Premiere (Goyescas),New Production
Goyescas (1)
Pagliacci (168)

Metropolitan Opera House; Fri, January 28, 1916