Search results for: "Richard Cassilly" : 8 items found

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[Met Performance] CID : 255110

Otello (230)

Metropolitan Opera House; Fri, September 29, 1978
[Met Tour] CID : 257260

Otello (234)

Hynes Civic Auditorium; Boston; Massachusetts; Tue, April 24, 1979
[Met Tour] CID : 257340

Otello (235)

Civic Center; Atlanta; Georgia; Tue, May 1, 1979
[Met Performance] CID : 260340

Otello (245)

Metropolitan Opera House; Thu, January 31, 1980
[Met Performance] CID : 260390

Otello (246)

Metropolitan Opera House; Tue, February 5, 1980
[Met Performance] CID : 260430

Otello (247)

Metropolitan Opera House; Sat, February 9, 1980
[Met Tour] CID : 261270

Otello (248)

Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts; Washington; D.C.; Tue, April 22, 1980
[Met Tour] CID : 261300

Otello (249)

Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts; Washington; D.C.; Fri, April 25, 1980