Search results for: "Lillia Snelling" : 5 items found

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[Met Tour] CID : 45880

Cavalleria Rusticana (116)
Hänsel und Gretel (44)

Philadelphia; Pennsylvania; Thu, December 30, 1909
[Met Performance] CID : 46480

Hänsel und Gretel (47)
Cavalleria Rusticana (119)

Metropolitan Opera House; Sat, January 29, 1910
[Met Performance] CID : 47500

Cavalleria Rusticana (122)
The Pipe of Desire (2)
Ballet Divertissement

Metropolitan Opera House; Thu, March 24, 1910
[Met Performance] CID : 50150

Cavalleria Rusticana (137)
Pagliacci (117)

Metropolitan Opera House; Thu, February 16, 1911
[Met Performance] CID : 53960

Hänsel und Gretel (69)
Cavalleria Rusticana (146)

Metropolitan Opera House; Sat, April 13, 1912