Search results for: "Kathleen Howard" : 8 items found

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[Met Performance] CID : 68610

The Robin Woman: Shanewis (2)
Le Coq d'Or (4)

Metropolitan Opera House; Thu, March 28, 1918
[Met Tour] CID : 69000

Le Coq d'Or (8)
The Dance in Place Congo (5)

Boston; Massachusetts; Fri, April 26, 1918
[Met Performance] CID : 71200

Cavalleria Rusticana (186)
Le Coq d'Or (12)

Metropolitan Opera House; Thu, February 20, 1919
[Met Performance] CID : 76740

Cavalleria Rusticana (197)
Le Coq d'Or (23)

Metropolitan Opera House; Fri, January 14, 1921
Debuts: Sano Marks
[Met Performance] CID : 77110

Pagliacci (206)
Le Coq d'Or (26)

Metropolitan Opera House; Sat, February 12, 1921
Debuts: Carl Berger
[Met Performance] CID : 86390

Cavalleria Rusticana (221)
Le Coq d'Or (31)

Metropolitan Opera House; Fri, February 15, 1924
[Met Tour] CID : 86660

La Habanera (4)
Le Coq d'Or (33)

Academy of Music; Philadelphia; Pennsylvania; Tue, March 4, 1924
[Met Performance] CID : 87240

Cavalleria Rusticana (224)
Le Coq d'Or (38)

Metropolitan Opera House; Thu, April 17, 1924