[Met Performance] CID:266990

Hänsel und Gretel
Metropolitan Opera House, Mon, December 21, 1981

In English

Hänsel und Gretel (197)
Engelbert Humperdinck | Adelheid Wette
Tatiana Troyanos

Judith Blegen

Geraldine Decker

Michael Devlin

Rosalind Elias

Loretta Di Franco

Dew Fairy
Louise Wohlafka

Richard Woitach

Nathaniel Merrill

Robert O'Hearn

Zachary Solov

Stage Director
Bruce Donnell

Translation by Kelley
Hänsel und Gretel received eight performances this season.

Review 1:

Review of Byron Belt for the Newhouse Papers

'Hansel-Gretel' is a joy at Metropolitan Opera

NEW YORK - Having played Scrooge during most of the Metropolitan Opera's current season. it is a pleasure to report that the company's appealing production of Engelbert Humperdinck's "Hansel and Gretel" has returned looking and sounding better than ever.

With early evening starting times to make it easier for families with children, and reduced prices. "Hansel and Gretel" still failed to attract a full house at its [season premiere]. It is such a wonderful introduction to the wonders of opera and live theater that full advantage should be taken of the remaining seven performances. For groups of ten or more, the Billy Rose Foundation has generously underwritten a bargain price of $12.50 for orchestra seats. The season will offer no better buy.

Now, with the fully justified commercial out of the way - on to the show itself.


Humperdinck's melodic and colorful opera has been staged in a suitable Norman Kelley English translation and although much of the text is not understandable, enough comes through so there is never any doubt as to what is going on. If parents only would stop telling their children what is going on and what to look for, they, their offspring and the rest of us would have a better time.

Robert O'Hearn's forest, animals and gingerbread house are all delightful, and Bruce Donnell has directed the Nathaniel Merrill production with a sense of fun and even poetry. The appearance of the angels during the Dream Pantomime seemed almost elegant and more touching than in years past. Of course, two or three also fly handsomely, as does the mean Witch of Rosalind Elias.

Miss Elias - with a bright green tongue - is perfectly wonderful as Rosina Dainty-mouth and the role probably has never been better sung.

In the title roles Tatiana Troyanos and Judith Blegen were delightful. Each was in superb voice, and it is not their fault that Humperdinck wrote for a Wagnerian orchestra, and that most of the vocal line is in the middle where projection of words is best, but volume is weakest

Michael Devlin was a splendid Father and Geraldine Decker was an imposing Mother, but a bit unsteady. Loretta di Franco's Sandman was touching and Louise Wohlafka made a lovely Dewfairy.

The children's chorus, trained by Mildred Hohner sounded better than ever and Richard Woitach belied his stolid appearance by securing a performance of winning warmth and loveliness.

I'm not quite certain why "Hansel and Gretel" is not as big a family hit as "Nutacracker." It deserves to be, and never more so than in the Met's happiest of revivals.

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