[Met Performance] CID:189380

La Traviata
Metropolitan Opera House, Thu, November 30, 1961

La Traviata (459)
Giuseppe Verdi | Francesco Maria Piave
Anna Moffo

George Shirley

Robert Merrill

Joan Wall

Gabor Carelli

Baron Douphol
Calvin Marsh

Marquis D'Obigny
George Cehanovsky

Dr. Grenvil
Louis Sgarro

Mary Ellen Pracht

Lou Marcella

John Trehy

Ignace Strasfogel

Review 1:

Review of Louis Biancolli in the World-Telegram

'La Traviata' Sung At the Metropolitan

The likable newcomer to last night's performance of "La Traviata" at the Metropolitan was George Shirley, young Negro tenor. Those who caught recent performances of "Cosi Fan Tutte" and "Madama Butterfly" know Mr. Shirley for a thoughtful artist and excellently trained tenor. Alfredo was his third Met role to date, and a very congenial one it was both vocally and dramatically. The costuming was equally good.

Voice Attractive.

Mr. Shirley's attractive voice, clear and evenly produced throughout its range, combined with a strong sense of theater to make Alfredo a vivid and appealing personality. Having now heard the gifted American youth in Mozart, Verdi and Puccini (a Central City "Bohème"), I am convinced Rudolf Bing has acquired another winner. One was reminded again that it has been during the lively regime of that foreign-born impresario that heavily sealed doors were finally opened to all Americans.

More Subtlety

As Violetta, Anna Moffo demonstrated again why she is another of the company's prize acquisitions. Here was a clever young actress with a voice and technic to match. Last night Miss Moffo chose to adopt a more confidential style than usual. The result was less brilliance but more subtlety. This is one singer who knows how to make a little go a long way.

I have heard Robert Merrill sing with more warmth and concern than he did last night. But with a spacious and resonant voice his - king-size, you might say - it almost didn't matter.

Conductor Ignace Strasfogel was equally attentive to the needs of the singers and of Giuseppe Verdi.

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