[Met Performance] CID:176800

La Bohème
Metropolitan Opera House, Thu, January 16, 1958

La Bohème (550)
Giacomo Puccini | Luigi Illica/Giuseppe Giacosa
Patrice Munsel

Daniele Barioni

Brenda Lewis

Frank Guarrera

Clifford Harvuot

Nicola Moscona

Lawrence Davidson

Lorenzo Alvary

Robert Nagy

Ezio Flagello

Thomas Schippers

Review 1:

Review signed D. B. in Musical America

This performance marked the first appearance of Patrice Munsel as Mimì at the Metropolitan Opera. Her tasteful musicianship and vocal control asserted themselves fully after the nervous first act. Dramatically, she sometimes lacked sufficient authority, but moved easily and presented a pleasing and believable appearance in the role. In the final act, Miss Munsel's portrayal of the dying girl was magnificently done; her pianissimo tones, dying away as she drifted into her final slumber, created a memorable impact.

At first, Daniele Barioni's voice seemed not to possess its full plasticity. But it was employed to good advantage in the Act III duet with Mimi, and henceforth he sang with increased effectiveness. Frank Guarrera was an able Marcello, Clifford Harvuot a sonorous Schaunard, Nicola Moscona an effective Colline. As Musetta, Brenda Lewis acted and sang with wonderful vivacity. The cast also included Lawrence Davidson (Benoit), Robert Nagy (Parpignol), Lorenzo Alvary (Alcindoro). and Ezio Flagello (A Sergeant). Under Thomas Schippers' direction the orchestra was of almost magical effect, so delicate were the shadings, so sweet was the sound.

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