[Met Performance] CID:155740

Il Barbiere di Siviglia
Metropolitan Opera House, Thu, January 18, 1951

Il Barbiere di Siviglia (232)
Gioachino Rossini | Cesare Sterbini
Giuseppe Valdengo

Erna Berger

Count Almaviva
Eugene Conley

Dr. Bartolo
Lawrence Davidson

Don Basilio
Cesare Siepi

Hertha Glaz

George Cehanovsky

Alessio De Paolis

Ludwig Burgstaller

Alberto Erede

In the Lesson Scene Berger sang Pur dicesti (Lotti).

Review 1:

Jerome D. Bohm in the Herald Tribune

“Barber of Seville”


The third performance of the season of Rossini’s “Barbire di Siviglia” at the Metropolitan Opera on Thursday night brought with it the first appearances on this stage of Erna Berger as Rosina, of Eugene Conley as Almaviva and of Lawrence Davidson as Dr. Bartolo. The otherwise familiar cast included Giuseppe Valdengo as Figaro, Cesare Siepi as Don Basilio, Herta Glaz as Berta and the Messrs. Cehanovsky, De Paolis and Burgstaller in the remaining roles. Mr. Erede conducted.


There was much to admire in Miss Berger’s delivery of Rosina’s music. Her singing of “Una voce poco fa” was distinguished by unerring accuracy in the negotiation of the florid passages, brilliant staccato and sustained top-tones. Her impersonation had much of the essential pertness and charm and would be still more effective if her make-up was less pale.


Mr. Conley’s Almaviva had authenticity of style to recommend it, although he did not bring much sensuousness of sound to his vocalism. Mr. Davidson sang Dr. Bartolo’s music resonantly and cleanly and acted tellingly without resorting to exaggeration to make his points.

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