[Met Performance] CID:99060

Boris Godunov
Metropolitan Opera House, Thu, March 29, 1928

In Italian

Boris Godunov (81)
Modest Mussorgsky | Modest Mussorgsky
Boris Godunov
Fyodor Chaliapin

Prince Shuisky
Angelo Badà

Léon Rothier

Mario Chamlee

Jeanne Gordon

Paolo Ananian

Alfio Tedesco

Louis D'Angelo

George Cehanovsky

Henriette Wakefield

Giordano Paltrinieri

Ellen Dalossy

Mildred Parisette

Ina Bourskaya

Millo Picco

Vincenzo Reschiglian

Vincenzo Bellezza

Orchestration by Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov
Translation by M.Delines, E. Palermi, G. Pardo
Synopsis of Scenes
Act I, Scene 1: The wall of Novodievitchi Convent, in the Great Environs of Moscow
Act I, Scene 2: A cell in the Convent of Miracles
Act I, Scene 3: The square between the two Cathedrals of the Assumption and of the Archangels
Act II, Scene 1: An inn on the frontier of Lithuania
Act II, Scene 2: Apartments of the Czar in the Kremlin at Moscow
Act II, Scene 3: Garden of the Castle of Michek
Act III, Scene 1: The forest of Kromy
Act III, Scene 2: Hall of the Duma in the Kremlin
Chaliapin always sang Boris in Russian.

Review 1:

Review of Francis D. Perkins in the New York Tribune

Chaliapin's Boris Thrills Audience at Metropolitan

Moussorgsky Work Again Heard at the Opera

"Boris Godunoff," with Feodor Chaliapin as the tragic Tsar of the title role, was heard for the second time this season at the Metropolitan Opera House last night before an intent audience occupying all the available space.

Mr. Chaliapin's unforgettable Boris is no longer a novelty here, but repeated hearings give repeated cause to admire the potency of the impersonation, the combination of voice, gesture and expression in a poignantly dramatic whole. It is the most complete example offered here of the Russian's marvelous art as a singing actor. There was no doubting the impression made on the audience by the fifth scene, with its convincing portrayal of the terror, bordering on madness. The basso, after the first act, was in excellent voice.

The performance, in general, had life and effectiveness. Mr. Chamlee was a commendable Dmitri, and Messrs Rothier and Bada did good work as Pimen and Schuisky. Mildred Parisette played the boy, Theodore, for the first time, with very satisfactory results. Jeanne Gordon, as Marina, was best in her lower notes, but could not free her higher ones from some hardness of tone. The love scene possessed spirit. Mr. Ananian did well as Varlaam, and Mmes. Dalossy, Bourskaya and Wakefield and Messrs. Cehanovsky, Paltrinieri, Tedesco, D'Angelo, Picco and Reschiglian completed the cast. Moussorgsky's music was very capably conducted by Mr. Bellezza.

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