[Met Tour] CID:98840

Brooklyn Academy of Music, New York, Brooklyn, Tue, March 13, 1928

Review 1:

Review of Susan A. Neve in the Brooklyn Citizen


The Brooklyn audience which last night gathered at the Academy of Music to hear Thomas' "Mignon" sung in French waxed enthusiastic beyond the wont of Brooklyn audiences over the splendid performances of the two women principals of the opera, Lucrezia Bori and Marion Talley. Miss Bori, who gave fire and personality to the role of Mignon, was applauded to the echo, hailed and bravoed after each of her many arias, after each stirring display of her emotional and vocal power, and at the conclusion of each act. Miss Talley, a charming picture in the voluminous finery of the coquettish Philine, was warmly received from her first appearance, but it was for her spectacular rendition of the "Je suis Titania" aria that the opera house rang with prolonged and vociferous outburst of handclapping.

Miss Bori is an attractive figure on the stage. Slender, lithe and graceful she is, and her freedom and fluidity of movement is always a welcome relief after the stolidity of many operatic stars. In last night's performance she rescued the role of Mignon from its original utter insipidity and made of this adopted child of the gypsies a fiery, passionate, petulant young Italian girl.

It had been expected, of course, that Marion Talley would be lovely as the vain little beauty, Philine. She was not disappointing. Particularly in her Queen Titania robes of silver cloth was she a vision to cause the most seasoned operagoer to gasp. And Miss Talley has youth and lightness and a natural gaiety. She could not have more perfectly fitted the role of the young coquette.

The opera was presented with all the Metropolitan Opera Company's attention to detail, and the results were all that could be expected. Louis Hasselmans conducted with authority and finesse.

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