[Met Performance] CID:91160

Metropolitan Opera House, Sat, November 14, 1925

Lohengrin received six performances this season.

Review 1:

Review signed D. B. in Musical America

A Popular 'Lohengrin'

The first "Lohengrin" of the season was given on Saturday evening, with Artur Bodanzky at the helm and a competent quintet of principals. Mr. Bodanzky was chiefly responsible for the merit of the performance, which was, in the main, excellent along routine lines rather than highly inspired or inspiring. It was Mr. Bodanzky who was most successful in creating the requisite atmosphere of mysticism and magic, although Curt Taucher, appearing in the title role, was not far behind in helping to keep up the illusion. There were moments when the atmosphere slipped, as it were; but, on the whole, the production was authentic and satisfying.

Mr. Taucher chose to emphasize the romantic, more than the heroic, side of Lohengrin's character and sang with care and taste. Marcella Röseler, the Elsa, was natural and expressive in her acting and able as a vocalist. Julia Claussen's ample voice gave breadth to the passages written for Ortrud, and her declamation in the Second Act brought a spontaneous outburst of applause. As Telramund, Clarence Whitehill was effective, and Paul Bender was traditionally paternal as Henry. Gustav Schützendorf was cast as the Herald. The chorus sang particularly well in the Nuptial Scene, being perfectly in tune and producing a lovely quality of tone when singing off-stage.

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