[Met Performance] CID:86940

Le Roi de Lahore
Metropolitan Opera House, Wed, March 26, 1924

ACT III Ballet Divertissement devised and arranged by Rosina Galli

1. Adagio - Valse: Rosina Galli, Premiere Danseuse; Giuseppe Bonfiglio, Premiere Danseur
Florence Rudolph, Rita De Leporte, Florence McNally, Jessie York, and Corps de Ballet

2. Variations de Caractere: Misses Florence Rudolph, Rita De Leporte, Lilyan Ogden,
Jessie Rogge, Ruth Viemeister, Dorothy Wagner, Frances Weller, Leonora Nickerson,
Marion Klebora, Yvonne Bailey, Marie Anderson

3. Ensemble Finale: Rosina Galli, Giuseppe Bonfiglio and entire Corps de Ballet

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