[Met Performance] CID:82860

Der Rosenkavalier
Metropolitan Opera House, Wed, January 17, 1923

Der Rosenkavalier (32)
Richard Strauss | Hugo von Hofmannsthal
Maria Jeritza

Princess von Werdenberg (Marschallin)
Florence Easton

Baron Ochs
Paul Bender

Marie Sundelius

Gustav Schützendorf

Kathleen Howard

Angelo Badà

Italian Singer
Rafaelo Díaz

Grace Anthony

Virginia Gitchell

Princess' Major-domo
Pietro Audisio

Laura Robertson

Grace Bradley

Henriette Wakefield

Muriel Tindal

Animal Vendor
Raffaele Lipparini

William Gustafson

Giordano Paltrinieri

Faninal's Major-domo
Augusto Monti

George Meader

Police Commissioner
Carl Schlegel

Artur Bodanzky

Review 1:

Review in the Tribune

Mme. Jeritza Alluring

Appears at Metropolitan in 18th Century "Der Rosenkavalier"

For the third time this season the Metropolitan audience was transported to eighteenth century Vienna with "Der Rosenkavalier"; Mme. Jeritza , as before, playing the young and ardent Octavian. How masculine an Octavian she can portray may be open to doubt; but there was no doubt as to the effectiveness of her singing and action; while Mme. Easton, in another well sung performance of the Feld Marschallin's wife, seemed rather younger this time, approaching middle age, probably, not that elderly. As in the first performance, Mme. Sundelius sang the part of Sophie, giving an affectively youthful impression, while her voice fared well in comparison with the others, and as before, Paul Bender gave an illustration of the fine art of being funny without buffoonery, as Baron Ochs. The distress of Mr. Schützendorf as von Faninal, at the prospect of losing the expected social promotion by marriage was wonderful to behold, while George Meader intoned melting accents of the Italian aria in the first act, with Mr. Bada and Mme. Howard as the Italian intrigants, and other parts of the long list substantially as before. The whole was again well knit under the baton of Mr. Bodanzky.

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