[Met Performance] CID:79800

Metropolitan Opera House, Sat, January 14, 1922

Review 1:

Review of J. A. H. in Musical America

Florence Easton in 'Aida'

For the first time at the Metropolitan on the evening of Jan. 14 Florence Easton sang the title rôle in Verdi's "Aida," giving a performance of noteworthy beauty that ranks with her Marguerite of earlier in the season and her unforgettable Saint Elizabeth. Throughout the evening Miss Easton's singing was impeccable and in both "L'Insana Parola" and "O Patria Mia" she rose to a thrilling dramatic height. As always, her characterization was subjective and the result of sheer inspiration thoughtfully expressed. Miss Gordon repeated her effective Amneris, saving her voice a trifle in the earlier scenes but singing magnificently in the Judgment Scene. Her final tableau, kneeling above the tomb, was a beautiful picture. Mr. Crimi's Radames was, as always, well sung in spots, but lacking in that which in the vernacular is known as "lift." Mr. de Luca's Amonasro was satisfying both musically and dramatically, and Mr. Didur as Ramfis and Mr. Gustafson as the King sang sonorously and acted effectively. Mr. Moranzoni's conducting left much to be desired. Tempos dragged throughout and in the Triumph Scene he permitted the stage band to blare away so vociferously that even the immense chorus was utterly eclipsed by a brazen invasion of sound. Surely Verdi never intended anything like this!

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