[Met Performance] CID:42360

La Traviata
Metropolitan Opera House, Mon, December 14, 1908

La Traviata (69)
Giuseppe Verdi | Francesco Maria Piave
Marcella Sembrich

Enrico Caruso

Giuseppe Campanari

Matja von Niessen-Stone

Angelo Badà

Baron Douphol
Concetto Paterna

Marquis D'Obigny
Bernard Bégué

Dr. Grenvil
Paolo Ananian

Emma Borniggia

Gina Torriani

Francesco Spetrino

Review 1:

Review in the Herald


Mistake in Programme Causes Comment in the Metropolitan - Mme. Sembrich is the Violetta

"La Traviata" was repeated last night in the Metropolitan Opera House, and a brilliant audience again found special delight in the singing of Mme. Sembrich as Violetta.

Mr. Alessandro Bonci was announced on the programme as the Alfredo, a role which he sang at the last performance of Verdi's opera in that house, but the tenor who appeared in the dizzy scenes of revelry surrounding the fascinating Violetta was evidently not Mr. Bonci.

After a long look at the substitute - quite a good looking man - another long look at the programme, the audience, or that part of it not too familiar with operatic stars, settled down to serious criticism.

If the management of the Metropolitan was going to thrust an unknown singer upon its devoted followers without a word of warning he was not to be applauded until he showed that he could sing. The newcomer, who was received without a sign of recognition from the house, could sing, however, and did sing wonderfully. He sang so well that when the curtain fell on the first act there was a buzz of interest and half a dozen enthusiasts rushed to the lobby to congratulate the managers upon their new man.

"He's a real find!" they said. "What's his name?"

"Glad you gentlemen like him" was the answer. "His name is Enrico Caruso."

Then it was explained that Mr. Bonci's name got in the programme by mistake.

Besides Mme. Sembrich and Mr. Caruso, as Violetta and Alfredo, Mr. Campanari appeared as the elder Germont, his first appearance this season in the part. He was not, however, in good voice, and the "Di provenza" went for very little.

There were many recalls for the chief singers at the close of the act, and Mme. Sembrich received a large bunch of roses which she shared with Mr. Caruso.

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