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Repertory Report
Performers Report
Met Opera Website
Grand Sunday Night Concert
Metropolitan Opera House, Sun, November 29, 1908
Grand Sunday Night Concert
Metropolitan Opera House
November 29, 1908
Die Lustigen Weiber von Windsor: Overture
La Gioconda: Voce di donna (?)
Matja von Niessen-Stone
Díaz: La Coupe du Roi de Thulé: Hélas il avait vingt ans
Jean Noté
Der Freischütz: Leise, leise (?)
Emmy Destinn
Bruch: Concerto in G Minor
Albert Spalding, violin
Liszt: Les Préludes
Le Roi de Lahore: Promesse de mon avenir
Faure: Les rameaux
Jean Noté
Beethoven: Romance in F Major
Albert Spalding, violin
Bohemian Songs
Emmy Destinn
Bach/Gounod: Ave Maria
Emmy Destinn
Albert Spalding, violin
Tchaikovsky: Marche Slav
Conductor...............Alfred Hertz
Piano...................Richard Hageman
Review 1:
Review in the Tribune
Operatic administrations may change, but the character of Sunday night concert audiences at the Metropolitan Opera House persists. The outbursts of applause from all over the theatre which followed the beginning bars of Faure's Rameaux," sung as an extra piece by M. Jean Noté, recalled the familiar demonstrations that M. Plançon was wont to evoke at frequent intervals in the course of the last fifteen years. M. Noté, whose set numbers were Diaz's "Roi de Thulé" and the "Roi de Lahore" aria disclosed an excellent voice used with intelligence. The French barytone's associates on the programme were Mme. Emmy Destinn, Mme. Van Niessen-Stone, who sang an aria from "La Gioconda," and Mr.Albert Spalding, the young American violinist, who lately made his New York debut after some years of foreign study and concert work. Mme. Destinn sang with distinction and beauty the "Leise, leise" aria from "Der Freischütz," a group of songs and the Bach-Gounod "Ave Maria," taking the place in this number of Mme. Rappold, who had been announced as a soloist, but was indisposed.
Mr. Spalding played the Bruch G minor concerto, the Beethoven Romance in F and the violin obligato in the "Ave Maria," adding as an encore piece after the Beethoven number the Bach air for G string. There was a measure of grace and an agreeable tone disclosed in the slow movement of the Bruch concerto, and something of the music's charm was brought out by the violinist, though neither here not in the aught size that Mr. Spalding offered last night was there apparent the pulsing of a large or an influential musical personality. His work in the final allegro lacked tonal brilliancy, and his execution was competent but not that of an adept. The Beethoven Romance was played with taste but the Bach air showed a marked absence of the vibrant sonority that was its due. In fine, Mr. Spalding's performances last night were to be taken as merely acceptable, never authoritative. The audience gave him a cordial reception.
Mr. Hertz conducted the orchestral numbers with dignity and earnestness. The programme included Liszt's "Les Preludes," Nicolai's overture to "The Merry Wives of Windsor," and Tchaikovsky's "Marche Slave."
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