[Met Performance] CID:36930

Twelfth Grand Sunday Night Concert

Verdi Requiem Mass
Verdi Requiem Mass
Metropolitan Opera House, Sun, February 11, 1906

Verdi Requiem Mass

Giovanni Cavaradossi [Only Appearance]

Jeanne Jomelli

Pol Plançon

Edyth Walker

Arturo Vigna

Review 1:

Review in the Telegraph


Tempestuous Tenor Makes His New York Debut in the Composer's Requiem

Being the bearer of a name associated with Sardou's lurid tragedy, "La Tosca," Cavaradossi has evidently determined to be intensely dramatic, not to say violently volcanic. It was nothing to him that he was supposed to be singing music of a religious and mournful nature. He scorned to be shackled. The passion, the fire, the inspiration of his native land had to express themselves. He held, it is true, a score in his hand, but it only just counterbalanced him as he swayed to and fro palpitating and rocking with the surge and swell of an emotion that transcends mere words and mere music. He also sang. His voice has quality and strength and were his singing to be freed of a certain tempestuous inaccuracy and unbridled audacity of style he might be made into a valuable artist. Beside Cavaradossi was one who, in diction, stage presence, voice production and musical sense is the model of the opera house, and one by whose example all Cavaradossis should profit, the veteran Pol Plancon.

Edyth Walker, bespangled with silver and crowned with ruddy gold, was the contralto. The notes in the middle register of her heroic voice are a dream of loveliness, but her high notes are whooped-up to rather than sung. It would be sweet and commendable in her nature to amend this fault. Oh! Miss Jomeli. The orchestra played at times in a key other than that in which you were singing. Nor did Arturo Vigna blush, for he apparently reserved his blushes to meet the praise and honor which must belong to him and to his chorus for some carefully prepared and well executed work.

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