[Met Tour] CID:27550

State Concert
Toronto, Canada, Thu, October 10, 1901

State Concert

Toronto, Canada
Massey Music Hall
October 10, 1901


Adam: Le Châlet: Arrêtons-nous ici
Marcel Journet

Bizet: Pastorale
Massenet: Ouvre tes yeux bleus
Fritzi Scheff

Les Huguenots: Urbain Aria
Louise Homer

Reyer: Sigurd: Sigurd Aria
Etienne Gibert

David: La Perle du Brésil: Charmant oiseau
Emma Calvé

Faure: Le crucifix
Etienne Gibert
Marcel Journet

Massenet: Chant d'amour
Chaminade: Voisinage
Andrés De Segurola [First appearance]

d'Hardelot: Vision
Gounod: Sérénade: Quand tu chantes
Emma Calvé

Schumann: Widmung
Walthew: May Day
Louise Homer

Thomas: Le Caïd: Air du tambour major
Marcel Journet

Delibes: Les filles de Cadix
Fritzi Scheff

Faust: Final Trio
Emma Calvé
Etienne Gibert
Andrés De Segurola


Conductor...............Armondo Seppilli
Piano...................Hans Morgenstern

[This performance was part of a "Royal Musical Festival given on the occasion of the visit to Toronto of their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York, who are graciously pleased to attend the concert on Thursday evening, October tenth." The Duke of Cornwall was the future King George V of Great Britain.]

[During his first season with the company Andrés Perello De Segurola sometimes billed himself as Perello. He is always listed here as Andrés De Segurola.]

This performance was part of a "Royal Musical Festival given on the occasion of the visit to Toronto of their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York, who are graciously pleased to attend the concert on Thursday evening, October tenth." The Duke of Cornwall was the future King George V of Great Britain.
During his first season with the company Andrés Perello De Segurola sometimes billed himself as Perello. He is always listed here as Andrés De Segurola.

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