[Met Concert or Gala] CID:20560

Fifteenth Grand Sunday Night Concert
Metropolitan Opera House, Sun, March 12, 1899

Fifteenth Grand Sunday Night Concert

Metropolitan Opera House
March 12, 1899


Die Lustigen Weiber von Windsor: Overture

Theodore Dubois: Aben-Hamet: Reine toi qu' Hamet salue
Henri Albers

Hamlet: Mad Scene
Suzanne Adams

La Sonnambula: Vi ravviso
Faure: Les rameaux [encore]
Pol Plançon

Vieuxtemps: Violin Concerto in E Major: Adagio; Rondo
Bach: Violin Sonata, movement [encore]
Lady Hallé, violin [Only Appearance]

L'Africaine: O paradiso!
Albert Saléza

Charles Puerner: Volkssage; Zigeuner Tanz

Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2

Les Pêcheurs de Perles: Au fond du temple saint
Albert Saléza
Henri Albers

Beethoven: Romance in F Major
Lady Hallé, violin

Augusta Holmes: Le prince aux muguets
Saint-Saëns: Chanson à boire
Pol Plançon

Tosti: Mattinata
Grétry: Les Deux Avars: Plus de dépit
Suzanne Adams

Jean-Baptiste Faure: Sancta Maria
Henri Albers

La Damnation de Faust: Hungarian March

Conductor...............Luigi Mancinelli

[Prior to her marriage to Sir Charles Hallé, the guest violinist had been known as Wilma Norman-Neruda.]

Prior to her marriage to Sir Charles Hallé, the guest violinist had been known as Wilma Norman-Neruda.

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