[Met Concert or Gala] CID:20320

Twelfth Grand Sunday Night Concert
Metropolitan Opera House, Sun, February 19, 1899

Twelfth Grand Sunday Night Concert

Metropolitan Opera House
February 19, 1899


Meyerbeer: L'Étoile du Nord: Overture

Joseph-Dieudonné Tagliafico: Quand l'oiseau chante
Albert Saléza

Rienzi: Gerechter Gott
Lucrezia Borgia: Brindisi (encore)
Lucrezia Borgia: Brindisi, one stanza (encore)
Ernestine Schumann-Heink

Faust: Avant de quitter ces lieux
English song (encore)
Theodore Meux

Saint-Saëns: Danse Macabre

Haydn: The Creation: With verdure clad
Emma Eames

Bach/Wilhelmj: Suite in D Major: Air for the G String

La Damnation de Faust: Minuet of the Will o' the Wisps

Faure: Le crucifix (repeated as encore twice, see review)
Emma Eames
Pol Plançon

Rubinstein: Le rêve du prisonnier
Herman Devriès: Si j'étais Dieu
Two encores
Albert Saléza

Hérold: Zampa: Overture

Conductor...............Luigi Mancinelli
Piano...................E. Romayne Simmons

Review 1:

Review )

Emma Eames

Pol Plançon

Rubinstein: Le rêve du prisonnier

Herman Devriès: Si j'étais Dieu

Two encores

Albert Saléza

Hérold: Zampa: Overture

Conductor...............Luigi Mancinelli

Piano...................E. Romayne Simmons

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