[Met Concert or Gala] CID:18230

Eleventh Grand Sunday Night Concert
Stabat Mater
Metropolitan Opera House, Sun, January 31, 1897

Eleventh Grand Sunday Night Concert

Stabat Mater (14)
Gioachino Rossini
Pol Plançon

Clémentine De Vere

Eugenia Mantelli

Giuseppe Cremonini

Anton Seidl

Dvorák: Carnival Overture

Bizet/Sarasate: Carmen Fantasy


Bronislaw Huberman, violin

Meyerbeer: Extase

Jean Lassalle

Die Walküre: Les Adieux de Wotan

Pol Plançon

Conductor...............Anton Seidl

Piano...................Amherst Webber


1. Stabat Mater Dolorosa

Clémentine De Vere, Eugenia Mantelli, Giuseppe Cremonini,

Pol Plançon

Metropolitan Opera Chorus

2. Cujus Animam

Giuseppe Cremonini

3. Qui est Homo

Clémentine De Vere, Eugenia Mantelli

4. Pro Peccatis

Pol Plançon

5. Eia, Mater

Pol Plançon

Metropolitan Opera Chorus

6. Sancta Mater

Clémentine De Vere, Eugenia Mantelli, Giuseppe Cremonini, Pol Plançon

7. Fac ut Portum

Eugenia Mantelli

8. Inflammatus

Clémentine De Vere

Metropolitan Opera Chorus

9. Quando Corpus Morietur

Pol Plançon

10. Amen

Clémentine De Vere, Eugenia Mantelli, Giuseppe Cremonini, Pol Plançon

Metropolitan Opera Chorus

Conductor...............Anton Seidl

This information comes from announcements and reviews. Although a newspaper advertisement lists only Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8, from the Stabat Mater, reviews suggest that the complete work was performed.

Review 1:

Review in the New York Sun

Last Night's Metropolitan Concert

"Les Adieux de Wotan," as they were voiced by Pol Plançon at the Metropolitan concert last night, made that personage appear to be an old man with beautiful manners, who never would have bored people as he sometimes did if he had only known they were really tired of him. The familiar number from "Die Walküre" was sung in Plançon's faultless style, but it was French in something more than the language. It was almost Parisian, and its broadly heroic quality was lacking. M. Lassalle had, before the Wagner excerpt, which is scarcely adapted to a concert programme, sung an aria by Meyerbeer, and Bronislav Huberman played the Sarasate fantasy on "Carmen" and two encores to a highly enthusiastic audience.

The gem of Rossini's "Stabat Mater," which was sung last night for the first time this year, was Plançon's beautiful singing of "Pro Peccatis." And that in itself would have made the performance worth the price of admission. Mme. De Vere sang the soprano numbers with great taste and feeling, and Mme. Mantelli's share in the result contributed to its admirable quality. Signor Cremonini was the least able member of the quartet, and he attempted "Cujus Animam" very cautiously. Anton Seidl directed and the chorus of the opera sang. The house was crowded.


Review 2:

Review in the Brooklyn Eagle


In addition to the excellent miscellaneous concert last night at the New York Metropolitan Opera house, Rossini's "Stabat Mater" was sung by the full Metropolitan Opera chorus. Under the direction of Anton Seidl the orchestra opened the programme with the glowing "Carnival" overture by Dvorak. The star of the evening was Master Huberman.

The wonderful boy violinist, whose playing of Sarasate's "Carmen" fantasy won him repeated encores. The vocal soloists were MM. Lassalle, Cremonini and Plançon and Mmes. Clementine De Vere and Mantelli, the four later singing in the "Stabat Mater." Plançon's "Pro Peccatis" was the finest thing of the evening, but the familiar music was well sung by all. The house was jammed from top to bottom.

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