[Met Performance] CID:17600

Metropolitan Opera House, Sat, November 28, 1896

Debut : Antonio Ceppi

Aida received five performances this season.
The finale of Act II, Scene 2 was repeated

Review 1:

Review of W. J. Henderson in The New York Times



Its First Production This Season. At the Metropolitan Opera House, at the Popular Saturday Night Series.

The first performance this season of Verdi's "Aida," was given at the Metropolitan Opera House last night. It was the second performance of the popular Saturday night series, and it was of a distinctly popular nature. Unfortunately the term " popular " in these days means cheap, and cheapness at the opera is not associated with excellence. The Saturday night entertainments at the opera afford a fine field for the trial of singers whose success is uncertain, and an equally fine one for the pasture of those who have failed to maintain themselves in the race of the successful. It is a pity to see "Aida " practically shelved at the beginning of the season, but it is difficult to conceive that its presentation last night meant anything else. On a regular subscription night it would surely have been presented with a better cast. But there is no other Aida in the company than Mme. Litvinne.

This lady did not make a forcible impression last night. Her voice was thin and not pure in tone, and the warmth of the weather seemed to make full-breathed phrasing somewhat difficult for her. That she is a well-trained and experienced soprano, however, was manifest in all her work, and it may be that in some other part she will be more satisfactory. The debut of the evening was that of Signor Ceppi, the tenor. His appearance is decidedly in his favor. He is a large man, a fine figure and prepossessing countenance. He is a young man, and lacks the experience necessary to authoritative dominance of the stage. More assurance would help his dramatic work and add to the force of his singing His voice is not large, but it is fresh, pure, and of fine quality. He sings well, and in time should take a prominent position. He pleased the audience greatly.

Signor Campanari made a distinct success as Amonasro. He sang the music with vigor and acted with savage energy. His voice was in good condition, and his excellent style gave pleasure to the judicious as it always does. Mlle. Rosa Olitzka had a heavy task in the role of Amneris, which requires exceptional range of voice, power and dramatic skill. A. good deal of the music was too high for Mile. Olitzka, but her performance was generally commendable, though by no means striking. M. Castelmary was a conventional Ramfis, and Signor de Vaschetti a most mild and gentle King. Signor Bevignani conducted the performance, and the orchestral parts were performed in a very slovenly style. The finale of the second act, however, went with considerable spirit, and the ensemble following Amonasro's entrance had to be repeated.

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