[Met Tour] CID:10590

La Sonnambula
Troy, New York, New York, Fri, January 29, 1892

La Sonnambula (10)
Vincenzo Bellini | Felice Romani
Maria Pettigiani

Sebastian Montariol

Enrico Serbolini

Ida Klein

Miss Cernusco [Last performance]

Antonio Rinaldini

Mr. Grossi

Auguste Vianesi

Review 1:

Review in the Troy Daily Press

'La Sonnambula'

Last Evening's rendition of the Familiar Opera

Whenever a "season" of Italian grand opera is advertised for Troy the expectation is that "La Somnambula" will be the attraction. In the first place the opera is a favorite with all sorts of people and it has a number of touching songs that have found their way into the hearts of the multitude. In the second place the number of characters in the opera is small and it can be produced very economically before an audience that complies with a protective box office tariff.

The audience that witnessed the production of "La Somnambula" at Rand's last evening had no hesitation in showering applause on Maria Pettigiana. She was in splendid voice and her execution was most admirable. Her power, endurance and training made her entirely acceptable to those who love music for its own sake. It is evident that her natural gifts have been utilized in the best possible manner and her teaching has been in the best possible schools of musical art. Signor Montoriol, the tenor, possesses a fine and clear voice and uses it skillfully.

This is about as far as commendation of the performance can go. The opera last night was advertised to be given "by the Abbey and Grau grand opera company from the Metropolitan Opera House, New York, under the direction of Sol Davis." If Mr. Davis is responsible for last night's mutilation of the opera, he is kindly advised not to again advertise an operatic performance for Troy unless he gives bonds that it will be correctly done. The stage and appointments at Rand's are ample for a satisfactory rendition of "La Somnambula." There was no occasion for detaching a scene from the second act and annexing it to the third. Even if there had been, that would not have excused the entire omission of one of the best songs and the condensation of others. The chorus was largely made up of dummies. Probably not many of its members know where the Metropolitan Opera House is situated. If the prompter had stood upon the stage and sung most of the choruses and solos the audience would have been better satisfied than it was in constantly hearing his deep bass voice without seeing him.

People who witness operatic performances in cities like Troy are always asked to make allowances for shortcomings and at the same time high prices are demanded of them. It is time that forbearance ended. Considering the prices charged, opera ought to be given here as completely as dramatic performances. There have been theatrical companies in this city the present season whose expenses were greater than the "grand opera" combination that honored our city last evening and these theatrical people gave us perfect performances at normal rates. When prices are doubled and trebled we have a right to demand that a simple opera like "La Somnambula" shall be given entirely and satisfactorily.

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