[Met Concert or Gala] CID:10440

Metropolitan Opera House, Tue, January 12, 1892 Matinee


Metropolitan Opera House
January 12, 1892


Giuseppe Del Puente

Guerrina Fabbri [First appearance]

La Gioconda: Cielo e mar
Il Trovatore: Di quella pira [Encore]
Alfred Guille [First appearance]

William Tell: Trio
Alfred Guille
Giuseppe Del Puente
Franco Novara

Lucia di Lammermoor: Mad Scene [First appearance]
Bishop: Clari: Home sweet home [Encore]
Comin' Thro' the Rye [Encore]
Adelina Patti

Semiramide: Selections from Acts I and II (In Costume)
Adelina Patti
Guerrina Fabbri
Alfred Guille
Giuseppe Del Puente
Franco Novara

Conductor...............Luigi Arditi [First appearance]

Three were three concerts and one Gala Performance this season.

Three were three concerts and one Gala Performance this season.

Review 1:

Review in The New York Times


That the Opera House was crowded last night is no more a matter of course than that it was crowded with an enthusiastic audience that had returned with delight to the shades of the familiar chestnut grove of a pure Italian concert. There was very little, indeed, in the programme, to denote that any change had occurred in the art of music since Patti might have been heard by our grandparents, and rarely there was nothing in her singing to indicate that she may not be heard, and heard with pleasure, by our grandchildren. Perhaps there was a lack of freshness in some notes, but nobody would think of calling it a worn voice, and the clearness, purity, and perfection of her vocalism were never more conspicuous than they were last night after more than thirty seasons. Indeed, there were among the audience many who were new-fashioned enough to find the music rather funny, who were yet old-fashioned enough to admire a perfection of purely vocal art that is rare anywhere at the present, and which is not more conspicuous in an Italian operatic company that aims at nothing else than in a German music-dramatic company where it is understood to be more or less sacrificed to other things. There are no better exponents of Italian singing than Del Puente and Novara, and Signor Guille and Mme. Fabbri also made distinct successes, the former responding with a stirring rendering of the "Di quella pira" to an encore for his aria from Ponchielli's "La Gioconda." The trio from "William Tell" has seldom been given better than it has by Guile, Del Puente and Novara. Apart from Patti, Mr. Abbey is to be congratulated upon having collected an Italian concert company of the first order.

Mme. Patti's reception was most cordial, and the cordiality became rapturous enthusiasm after her singing of the "Adore gl'incensi," from "Lucia." What would be a respectable stock for a florist's establishment was conveyed to the stage. To the continuous applause she responded first, of course, with "Home, Sweet Home," and afterward with "Comin' Thro' the Rye."

The second part of the programme, selections from the first two acts of "Semiramide," in costume, was very well given, and completed a very delightful Italian operatic concert.

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