[Met Performance] CID:9530

Metropolitan Opera House, Sat, January 31, 1891 Matinee

Siegfried (29)
Richard Wagner | Richard Wagner
Heinrich Gudehus

Antonia Mielke

Theodore Reichmann

Marie Ritter-Götze

Otto Kemlitz

Juan Luria

Conrad Behrens

Forest Bird
Jennie Broch

Anton Seidl

Review 1:

Review in The New York Times


Wagner's "Siegfried" was given a third time at the Metropolitan Opera House last night [sic] to one of the largest audiences which have been present at any Monday performance this season. The superb music drama was interpreted by the same cast as heretofore this season, and it is hardly necessary to add that the evening's proceedings were pitched upon a high artistic plane.

It would be easy enough to find flaws in the performance, but, taken as a whole, it was excellent. Its general effect was exalting to the spirit, and the climaxes throbbed with emotional power. Herr Gudehus repeated his vigorous and well-considered rendering of the title rôle of the drama, husbanding some of his vocal power, of course, for the tremendous closing scene. Frau Mielke was again the Brünnhilde, in which she achieved another success with the audience. Her success was well deserved.

A word of praise is due Herr Kemlitz for his clever acting as Mime. Of course he does not sing the rôle, but it is doubtful whether any one can do that. Some or the music is essentially parlando in style, and must be almost spoken. The Alberich of Herr Luria is quite demoniac, and Herr Reichmann's Wotan is sufficiently well known to pass without further comment. The Erda of Frau Ritter-Götze is to be commended for its vocal excellence. The same thing cannot be said of Fräulein Broch's forest bird.

The enthusiasm of the audience was great. After the second act Herr Gudehus and Herr Kemlitz were recalled four times, and there was a fifth recall which brought Herr Seidl to the footlights. The orchestra, be it noted, did its work admirably,

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