[Met Performance] CID:9500

Metropolitan Opera House, Mon, January 26, 1891

Review 1:

Review in The New York Times


"Lohengrin" was performed for the sixth time this season at the Metropolitan Opera House last night to an audience of very good size for Monday night, which is the least brilliant night of the week at the opera. The opera was put on as a substitute for "L'Africaine," which could not be given on account of the comparative illness of Frau Mielke. For opera she was pretty sick, but for concert she was pretty well.

The performance was thoroughly good in parts; and unhappily weak in others. The unsatisfactory position of the house in the tenor department was never more thoroughly displayed than it was in last night's performance. The Lohengrin of Herr Dippel was the weakest ever seen on the Metropolitan Opera House stage. The young man is without the appearance, the voice, the skill as a singer, or the force as an actor required by the part. Heroic rôles are entirely beyond the capacity of this tenor.

Frau Ritter-Götze's Ortrud was also a little disappointing last evening. Her performance was by no means inadequate, but it was not up to the level of her ability. Frau Schöller was excellent as Elsa. She slipped a trifle off the key once in a while, but only for a moment, while her expression was full of intelligence and at times of eloquence.

The King was once more in the hands of Herr Fischer, whose performance of the rôle seemed to be even more than ordinarily dignified in action and broad in vocal style. Herr Reichmann's Telramund is a good interpretation, and last night it was up to its usual mark. Herr Mastorff deserves a word of commendation for his good singing of the Herald. The chorus indulged in the old familiar deviations from the pitch in the old familiar places. The orchestra and Herr Seidl - the old guard and Napoleon - did their work admirably. The enthusiasm of the audience was great and there were numerous recalls.

Tomorrow evening "Siegfried" will be given for the first time this season, with Herr Gudehus in the title rôle and Frau Mielke as Brünnhilde.

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