[Met Performance] CID:8430

Metropolitan Opera House, Fri, February 7, 1890

Götterdämmerung (20)
Richard Wagner | Richard Wagner
Lilli Lehmann

Heinrich Vogl

Joseph Beck

Ida Klein

Emil Fischer

Sophie Traubmann

Emmy Miron

Charlotte Huhn

Anton Seidl

Theodore Habelmann

Götterdämmerung received five performances this season.
In this season's performances of Götterdämmerung, the following music was omitted: the scene with the three Norns in the Prologue; in Act I, Scene 3, the scene between Brünnhilde and Waltraute; and Act II, Scene 1, with Alberich and Hagen.

Review 1:

Review in The New York Times


The performance of "Die Götterdämmerung" at the Metropolitan Opera House last evening, the first of the season, was a notable one in many respects, and deserves more extended comment than can be given to it at this time. The drama is of heroic proportions and lasts until a late hour, which precludes the possibility of going into details. The public came near to missing the treat, for Frälein Meisslinger was taken sick and her place was filled at very short notice by Frau Ida Klein. Some gratitude is certainly due to this lady for her courage, which made the performance possible.

The notable feature of the evening was Herr Vogl's first appearance as Siegfried. It may be said without reservation that he was an agreeable surprise. The prominent merit of his interpretation was his singing. It is safe to say, even after a first bearing, that the rôle has never been so well sung here. The tenor was in good voice and he did not spare himself. Even in the first scene he sang with splendid vigor and abandon, and aroused the enthusiasts of the audience. The prospects of success for the forthcoming Wagner cycles seem to be much brighter after last night.

Frau Lehmann was once more heard in her superb rendering of Brünnhilde. The great soprano never looked handsomer, sang more magnificently, or acted with more power than last night. When that is said praise can go no further. We verily believe that Lilli Lehmann is the equal of any living dramatic soprano. The tenor and soprano were ably seconded by Herr Beck as Gunther and Herr Fischer as Hagen. Both of these excellent artists did their work admirably. Fischer's Hagen is a wonderfully fine piece of work, thoroughly consistent in conception and elaboration, and in keeping with the poet-composer's intentions. Frau Klein acquitted herself with great credit under the circumstances.

The three Rhine daughters were represented by Fräuleins Traubmann, Koschoska, and Huhn, all of whom did their work well. It is not many opera houses, it may be noted, which could have an Elisabeth, an Aida, and an Amneris in these comparatively small parts. The chorus sang excellently last night and the orchestra played like a battalion of virtuosi. As for Herr Seidl, the ruling spirit of the performance, nothing can be said of him that is not complimentary. The audience was large and enthusiastic. There was a good deal of talking in the boxes and a corresponding amount of hissing. No one was put out.

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