[Met Performance] CID:8340

Tristan und Isolde
Metropolitan Opera House, Wed, January 22, 1890

Tristan und Isolde (12)
Richard Wagner | Richard Wagner
Heinrich Vogl

Lilli Lehmann

Joseph Beck

Louise Meisslinger

King Marke
Emil Fischer

Albert Mittelhauser

Sailor's Voice/Shepherd
Paul Kalisch

Jean Doré

Anton Seidl

Theodore Habelmann

Tristan und Isolde received five performances this season.

Review 1:

Review in The New York Times


The performance of "Tristan and Isolde" at the Metropolitan Opera House last night was in some respects the best ever given in the house. Frau Lehmann's Isolde is an impersonation which has grown in depth with each season till now it may well be doubted whether the lyric stage in this country has ever seen anything that approached it in the tremendousness of its dramatic force and intensity. It has its vocal deficiencies, to be sure, but it would be a very hypercritical person who would take them into consideration when under the influence of her work.

Herr Vogl is by no means a great Tristan. He is earnest and his acting is generally significant, but he cannot sing, and, when one remembers Niemann, Vogl seems a rather diminutive person. Herr Beck replaces Herr Robinson as Kurvenal, and Fräulein Meisslinger was the new Brangäne in place of Fräulein Bran

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