[Met Performance] CID:8190

Un Ballo in Maschera
Metropolitan Opera House, Mon, December 30, 1889

In German

Review 1:

Review in The New York Times


Verdi's "Un Ballo in Maschera" was given at the Metropolitan Opera House once more last evening before an audience of moderate size. The Italian operas are apparently losing their hold on the patrons of the house, and it is beyond question that the solid music of Wagner will be warmly welcomed tomorrow evening, when "Lohengrin" is to be produced. However, it was very wise policy on the part of that farsighted young impresario, Edmund C. Stanton, to put on the lighter works at the beginning of the season, when every one was eager for opera, and to save the stronger operas till the public appetite began to need a little whetting.

The performance last evening did not differ in any material respects from the first presentation of "Un Ballo." Josef Beck, who has established himself as a capable and generally useful artist, sang Renato, instead of Herr Reichmann, and was very satisfactory in the rôle. Herr Perotti was again the Count and Lilli Lehmann the Amelia. Their two powerful voices were heard to great advantage, and the duet in the second act called forth warm applause. The other members of the cast were acceptable, and the chorus and orchestra discharged their duties satisfactorily. Herr Seidl conducted with his customary ability.

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