[Met Performance] CID:8090

Guillaume Tell [William Tell]
Metropolitan Opera House, Fri, December 13, 1889

In German

Guillaume Tell [William Tell] (8)
Gioachino Rossini | Jouy/Bis/Marrast
Guillaume Tell
Theodore Reichmann

Betty Frank

Julius Perotti

Emil Fischer

Edward Schlömann

Joseph Beck

Charlotte Huhn

Félicie Kaschowska

Paul Kalisch

Jean Doré

Albert Mittelhauser

Margaretha Urbanska

Miss Louie

Josefine Ambroggio

Walter Damrosch

Theodore Habelmann

Translation by unknown
William Tell received four performances this season.

Review 1:

Review in The New York Times


The familiar strains of Rossini's masterpiece "William Tell," resounded through the Metropolitan Opera House last evening, and were heard with apparent pleasure by a large house. The performance was beyond question one of the finest ever given in this city. With so excellent a cast it could not be otherwise. The distribution of parts was fortunate in almost every respect, the only room for decided improvement being in the rôle of Mathilde, which Betty Frank did not quite fill. Reichmann's Tell was a noble-looking figure, and he sang the music with splendid declamatory power. Perotti is happy in Arnold, for it gives him abundant opportunity for the display of his sonorous upper register, and in the great trio he even touches C sharp. The note is not as well advertised as the C in "Di quells pira," and does not cause the same amount of popular commotion.

Fischer was the Walther, and he made a big part out of it. By Reichmann, Perotti, and Fischer the trio was given with fine vigor and an abundance of tonal power. Herr Kalisch had the small rôle of the Fisherman, and his singing of the little song in the first act was really beautiful. This conscientious and trustworthy artist is doing very commendable work this season, and is a decidedly useful member of the company. Fräulein Kaschoska made her second appearance this season, singing Jenny, and acquitting herself with great credit. The performance in its general aspects was good, the ensembles going smoothly and effectively and the action being carried on with earnestness. The ballet disported itself with becoming activity, and both chorus and orchestra were generally satisfactory.

Photograph of Theodore Reichmann in the title role of William Tell by Krziwanek.

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