[Met Performance] CID:6910

Metropolitan Opera House, Mon, December 24, 1888

Siegfried (13)
Richard Wagner | Richard Wagner
Max Alvary

Fanny Moran-Olden

Emil Fischer

Hedwig Reil

Wilhelm Sedlmayer

Joseph Beck

Eugene Weiss

Forest Bird
Sophie Traubmann

Anton Seidl

Review 1:

Review in The New York Times


The eve of Christmas is generally believed by amusement managers to be the worst night in the year for their business. The saddening influence of the night was discernible in the size of the audience at the Metropolitan Opera House last evening, yet it may reasonably be doubted whether any work thus far produced would have drawn a larger assemblage than Wagner's "Siegfried." The performance last evening was in some respects an improvement on that of Friday. The mishaps of an initial representation were absent. The light effects, which are a conspicuous feature of the production, were in better working order, and the mechanism of the stage generally was in a more satisfactory condition. It would be difficult at this late day to say anything new about Herr Alvary's interpretation of the title rôle. As we have heretofore said, it gives evidence of intelligent study on the part of the artist, and is pictorially and histrionically highly interesting. Herr Alvary cannot lay claim to distinction as a vocalist pure and simple, but as a singing actor of the Wagner music-drama he has fairly earned a valuable position. He was in good form last evening, and his work was spirited and picturesque. At times he was even poetic which is saying a great deal. Herr Fischer's Wotan is the conception of an artist of no small ability, and to its excellence in acting it adds vocal beauty of a fine order. Fräulein Hedwig Reil, who was the Erda, has a remarkably good voice, which she unfortunately does not use well. Herr Weiss is heard to better advantage as Fafner than in any other part which he has as far undertaken, and Herr Beck is a satisfactory Alberich. Herr Sedlmayer as Mime and Frau Moran-Olden as Brünnhilde do not equal their predecessors in those parts. Fräulein Traubmann sings the bird music tolerably. The orchestra was even better last evening than on Friday. For its admirable exposition of the beauties of the noble score, Herr Seidl deserved the warm praise which it is a pleasure to accord to him. He shines to much better adventure as a conductor of German opera than as a director of orchestral concerts, in which he is not always so happy.

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