[Met Performance] CID:6870

Les Huguenots
Metropolitan Opera House, Mon, December 17, 1888

In German

Les Huguenots (11)
Giacomo Meyerbeer | Eugène Scribe/Émile Deschamps
Marguerite de Valois
Alma Föhström

Raoul de Nangis
Julius Perotti

Fanny Moran-Olden

Count de Nevers
Alois Grienauer

Félicie Kaschowska

Count de Saint Bris
Joseph Beck

Emil Fischer

Albert Mittelhauser

Wilhelm Sedlmayer

Jean Doré

Lady of Honor
Hedwig Reil

Eugene Weiss

Etiènne Vergé

Miss Louie

Josefine Ambroggio

Anton Seidl

Review 1:

Review in The New York Times


Meyerbeer's "Huguenots" proved its attractive powers last evening by drawing to the Metropolitan Opera House an audience that was remarkably large considering the discouraging state of the weather. The performance did not differ in any essential features from that of the [first night of the season]. The cast was the same, and the singers generally comported themselves in the same manner. Frau Moran-Olden is not at her best in the rôle of Valentine, but her singing last night was more certain and less unsatisfactory in respect of intonation than it was on the [first] night. Her acting was, as it has been unfailingly, earnest and picturesque. Herr Perotti has one of those voices that stand wear admirably, and his high notes rang out with fine force. It is a pity that his art is not more refined, for he undoubtedly spares no pains in his work. Fräulein Föhström sung Marguerite again and Fräulein Kashowska repeated her commendable performance of Urban. Herr Grinauer sang De Nevers, and Herr Beck took the place of Herr Mödlinger as St. Bris. The chorus and orchestra were generally effective, and Herr Seidl conducted.

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