[Met Performance] CID:6470

Metropolitan Opera House, Mon, January 23, 1888

Debut : Emil Steger

Lohengrin (42)
Richard Wagner | Richard Wagner
Max Alvary

Auguste Seidl-Kraus

Marianne Brandt

Emil Steger [Debut]

King Heinrich
Johannes Elmblad

Rudolph Von Milde

George Egener

Mr. Stein

Jean Doré

Emil Sänger

Anton Seidl

Review 1:

Review in The New York Times


At the Metropolitan Opera House last evening an audience of comforting proportions listened to a moderately disturbing performance of "Lohengrin." The title rôle was assumed for the first time here by Herr Alvary. This tenor has some advantages which his predecessor in the part did not possess. He possesses youthful and agreeable appearance and a comparatively unworn voice. He was, however, far from being an ideal Lohengrin. He did not exhibit the dignity or repose needed for a proper impersonation of the most knightly figure in opera, nor did he reach histrionically the dramatic force of his situations. Vocally his performance was uncertain and irregular. He sang some passages with a beautiful and generous tone, while others were marred by wretched voice production and unhappy phrasing. Altogether, it cannot be said that Herr Alvary's Lohengrin as revealed last evening, will add anything to his reputation. The Telramund was Herr Emil Steger, who was a conspicuous failure, falling far short of the requirements of the part in both voice and action. He was lent for the occasion by Herr Gustav Amberg, Herr Robinson being sick. Herr Elmblad sang the King once more, and was considerably at sea several times in the matter or tempo. He endeavored to atone for this by his common practice or emitting tones fearfully and wonderfully made. Herr von Milde was not in good voice, but sang the Herald with good judgment. Frau Seidl-Kraus was a tolerably good Elsa, and Fräulein Brandt sang and acted Ortrud with her usual excellent effect. The chorus was somewhat better last night than it frequently is, and the orchestra was in the best of form

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