[Met Performance] CID:6250

Metropolitan Opera House, Fri, December 16, 1887

Siegfried (6)
Richard Wagner | Richard Wagner
Max Alvary

Lilli Lehmann

Emil Fischer

Marianne Brandt

José Ferenczy

Rudolph Von Milde

Johannes Elmblad

Forest Bird
Auguste Seidl-Kraus

Anton Seidl

Review 1:

Review in The New York Times


Wagner's "Siegfried" was performed once more at the Metropolitan Opera House last evening. There can be no question of the popularity of this work, for at each representation the house has been filled by an audience that has watched the progress of the performance with the deepest attention, and signified its approval by long-continued and sonorous applause at the close of each act, Last night was no exception to the rule, and the house was crowded. "Siegfried" is a work that requires a little preparation on the part of the hearer in the way of acquiring some acquaintance with the previous works of the tetralogy, but it repays the student for his trouble. The music drama grows with each hearing in the liking of the auditor, and it is drawing larger audiences as the season advances. Last night's performance was one of the best that has been given. Herr Alvary was in excellent voice, and both sang and acted with power and effect. He gave especial force to the noble scene of the forging of the sword, and generally pitched his work in a more spirited key. Herr Fischer was not in the best of voice, but he sang Wotan with broad dignity. Herr Ferenczy repealed his grotesque and amusing impersonation of Mime. It is a great pity he cannot sing better, for Mime has sonic measures that might he made very touching and pathetic. Fräulein Lehmann repeated her strong impersonation of

Brünnhilde. Fräulein Brandt sang Erda, and Fran Seidl-Kraus warbled the bird music. The orchestra was in remarkably good form, and the performance in general moved smoothly.

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