[Met Performance] CID:5620

Tristan und Isolde
Metropolitan Opera House, Wed, January 12, 1887

Tristan und Isolde (5)
Richard Wagner | Richard Wagner
Albert Niemann

Lilli Lehmann

Adolf Robinson

Marianne Brandt

King Marke
Emil Fischer

Rudolph Von Milde

Sailor's Voice
Max Alvary

Otto Kemlitz

Emil Sänger

Anton Seidl

Review 1:

Review in The New York Times:


"'Tristan und Isolde" was represented once more last evening at the Metropolitan Opera House, which was filled in every part. That Wagner's typical music drama is sufficiently attractive to the general public to draw overflowing audiences for many successive nights is open to question; that its occasional revival invariably finds favor with music lovers of the advanced school and with German pleasure seekers has been proved again and again since its production in this city was effected. Moreover, "Tristan und Isolde" is not a work that can be frequently performed without serious injury to the artists concerned. The singers that have been heard in it thus far have stood the ordeal wonderfully well, but when the week's recess provided for by their engagements brought them recently a brief spell of repose, it came none too soon. Last night's representation of "Tristan and Isolde" found all the performers in good form. Herr Niemann's vocal resources are slender, but they hold out remarkably well, and the tenor has never snug the music in the second act better than he sang it yesterday. Fräulein Lehmann brought to her portrayal of Isolde in this act as much emotional power as in the past, and her execution was quite as refined, expressive, and finished, but the volume and timbre of the soprano's voice showed some falling off from what they are when the prima donna is at her best. Herren Fischer and Robinson and Fräulein Brandt were as efficient as usual, and the band fulfilled its exacting duties in admirable style. There were recalls after each act, after the fashion of Bayreuth.

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