[Met Tour] CID:1530

Boston Theatre, Boston, Massachusetts, Thu, January 3, 1884

In Italian

Review 1:

Review and published letter in The Boston Globe:

A card from Vianesi on Lohengrin:

A letter has been received from Signor Vianesi, director of the opera, with regard to the manner of the Lohengrin presentation Thursday Night. As to the effect of the cessation of the interlude performance, as well as the desirability of the "cuts" made in the opera from whatever cause, those who attended the entertainment on the evening in question can of course readily decide for themselves. Signor Vianesi, whose zeal and earnestness have been so generally recognized, thus states his vow of the case:

"To the Editors of The Globe:

I most respectfully apply to your sentiment of justice in order to correct a matter in which your good faith has been misled. In your report of the performance of 'Lohengrin' it is said: 'The orchestra broke down in an interlude and had to begin again.' This is entirely incorrect. As soon as Mme. Nilsson and Mme. Fursch-Madi had finished the duet, the public began to applaud. I stopped the orchestra in order to give to the same public the opportunity of hearing the whole of the interlude. We are very far from breaking down. About the cuts, I declare that they are suggested and desired by the principal singers, and they are not the doing of a learned conductor. May I ask the great favor that you should correct the error? With my best respects believe me to remain, yours obediently,

A. Vianesi, Boston, January 4, 1884"

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